Nova Southeastern College (NSU) is a private college found in Fortification Lauderdale, Florida. It was established in 1964 and has developed to offer a wide run of undergrad, graduate, and proficient degree programs. NSU is known for its solid accentuation on wellbeing sciences, trade, law, instruction, and marine science, among other fields.

Key Highlights of NSU:

Colleges and Programs: NSU houses a few colleges, counting the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Pharmaceutical, Shepard Wide College of Law, College of Commerce, and Halmos College of Expressions and Sciences.

Campuses: Its fundamental campus is in Davie, Florida, but NSU moreover has territorial campuses over Florida and in Puerto Rico.

Research: NSU has a solid inquire about center, especially in wellbeing sciences, oceanography, and psychology.

Online Learning: It offers a assortment of online programs and courses to cater to understudies worldwide.

Athletics: NSU’s athletic groups, known as the Sharks, compete in NCAA Division II.

Student Populace: NSU has a assorted understudy body with over 20,000 understudies from over the globe.

If you’re interested in learning more approximately particular programs or assets at NSU, feel free to inquire!

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